SAHK 香港耀能協會

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Woche Workshop’s user was interviewed by Cable TV “Wish” Programme (Chinese Only)

雖然右邊身行動不便,但無阻禾輋工場學員郭啟業的藝術天份,他不但以繪畫流露心意,而且頻頻獲獎,早前更參與「NFT x 校園壁畫創作計劃」,將繪畫給合紗織,化為一道漂亮的外牆風景。有線電視節目「小事大意義」不但訪問了啟業分享創作心得,一直支持啟業創作的工場經理陳詩雅姑娘與導師鄧玉玲姑娘,也在節目上暢談協助殘疾人士發揮潛能的種種體會,大家可到以下連結重溫節目︰

Kai Yip overcomes physical obstacles and builds self-confidence through painting.(Cable TV screenshot)

Kai Yip overcomes physical obstacles and builds self-confidence through painting.(Cable TV screenshot)

The landscape painting that Kai Yip created earlier has become a beautiful mural outside the campus of TWGHS Tsui Tsin Tong School.(Cable TV screenshot)

The landscape painting that Kai Yip created earlier has become a beautiful mural outside the campus of TWGHS Tsui Tsin Tong School.(Cable TV screenshot)

Ms. Pat CHAN , the manager of Woche Workshop, took Kai Yip as an example, explaining that artistic creation can help people with disabilities build self-confidence.(Cable TV screenshot)

Ms. Pat CHAN , the manager of Woche Workshop, took Kai Yip as an example, explaining that artistic creation can help people with disabilities build self-confidence.(Cable TV screenshot)

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