SAHK 香港耀能協會

About Us
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Vision, Mission and Belief

Our Vision
  • To be a world class rehabilitation service organization
Our Mission
  • To assist persons in Hong Kong who are physically and mentally challenged due to neurological impairment. To initiate, develop and maintain services for their education and welfare using a holistic approach.
  • To enable persons with disabilities to realise their full potential, maximize their independence and self-reliance, and become participating members of the society.
Our Belief
  • Caring hearts
  • Respect for individuals
  • Quality Services
  • Conductive Education
  • Trans-disciplinary team work
  • Cost-effectiveness

History and Development



In the early 1960s, there was an increasing number of cerebrally damaged infants surviving to childhood. However, there was a lack of related facilities in the society to render those children special education and caring services. Dr. Elaine Field, Professor in Paediatrics at the University of Hong Kong, was aware of this particular issue. In 1963, she initiated to form a committee with a group of pioneers sharing the same mission of providing the spastic children with tailor-made education and caring services and founded "The Hong Kong Association for the Spastic Children”.

Despite the generous seed grant of one thousand and five hundred pounds from the Spastics Society of England, we strove to start the service with limited resources. We set up the first teaching class for nine cerebral palsied children by borrowing a room in the Headquarter of The Boys’ and Girls’ Clubs Association of Hong Kong

Later in 1967, the Association expanded to include services for the adults, and was renamed as "The Spastics Association of Hong Kong", a registered society and was incorporated in 1976 as a limited company.

In lines with the Association’s service development, we need to have a new name that can manifest our wide spectrum of services for the various client groups and to cater for the needs of the service users.

In February 2008, the Association officially changed the name to "SAHK”, the Chinese name "香港耀能協會”. The new Chinese name carries the connotation of the service users bringing, both inborn and learnt abilities, into full play. The English name, SAHK, signifies our determination to "Succeed and Advance”.



The Association provides comprehensive professional rehabilitation services and facilities for persons with neurological impairments such as cerebral palsy, physical handicap, mental handicap, autism spectrum disorders, developmental delay, specific learning difficulties, stroke and Parkinson’s disease. We serve all age groups and our services are catered for their special needs at various stages of life.

Source of Income

Mainly derives from the departments concerned under the Government, for example, Social Welfare Department and Education Bureau, as well as The Community Chest of Hong Kong, The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust and allocation from the Lotteries Fund. Funding supports are also received from other civic minded organizations, charity funds and individuals.

Existing Service

For the past 60 years, the Association continuously sought to develop and pioneer comprehensive rehabilitation services for different age and disability groups. There are now a total of 84 service units and special projects in operation, including early education and training centres, pre-school centres, district-based speech therapy team, special schools, sheltered workshops, supported employment, hostels, care centres, adult training centres, parents’resource centres, home-based rehabilitation services, conductive learning centre, continuing rehabilitation day centres, rehabilitation seating service centre, professional development & research unit, as well the newly opened Child Development Centres and Jockey Club New Page Inn( for rehabilitation of tetraplegics). We currently provide services to around 29,000 families per annum.

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