SAHK 香港耀能協會

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Children eating behaviour survey and TASTER programme news briefing

The Association Children and Family Support Service surveyed children eating behaviour and successfully interviewed 401 On-site Pre-school Rehabilitation Services (OPRS) parents. The survey result shows that over half of the children with special needs are picky eaters. And over 30% of parents get stressed when their children are picky eaters. The Association held a news briefing to share the survey result with the media and invited a parent, Mrs. CHEUNG, to share how she dealt with her children’s picky eating situation and how the Association’s TASTER programme helped her children to try a bite of new or non-preferred foods.

    Several media organisations attended the news briefing on that day. Please find the below website for details, (Chinese Only)
  • 無綫新聞:不少特殊需要幼兒偏食 機構倡家長以遊戲及鼓勵等改善問題
  • now新聞:調查:過半數特殊需要兒童有偏食
  • 有線新聞:調查指過半SEN兒童偏食 有家長稱增照顧壓力 團體倡遊戲吸引進食
  • HK01:特殊需要兒童偏食增照顧者壓力 職業治療師倡愉快環境增進食動機
  • ToPick:【兒童偏食】調查指過半數特殊需要幼兒偏食 家長感焦慮增添照顧壓力
  • am730:改善偏食 助特殊需要兒童成長

Besides, the Children and Family Support Service held a TASTER programme online sharing session before the news briefing. Thank you for around 330 people joined on that day and learned more the possible reasons of children’s picky eating. During the sharing session, the Association’s Occupational Therapists made recommendation for helping children be able to enjoy food together. They also introduced the Association newly launched TASTER programme and taught the parents how to train the children to accept new or non-preferred foods.

The Association held a news briefing session to share the children eating behaviour survey result.

The Association held a news briefing session to share the children eating behaviour survey result.

Parent Mrs. Cheung shared her children’s picky eating situation in the news briefing.

Parent Mrs. Cheung shared her children’s picky eating situation in the news briefing.

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