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The first preschool and adult rehabilitation services in one place - Sensory Integration Training and Professional Development Centre

Thanks to the generous donation of $2 million from the Li Ka Shing Foundation, the Association opened Hong Kong’s first Sensory Integration (SI) Training Centre for children and adults in November 2020. The Centre has a total floor area of 1,200 square feet, with comprehensive training facilities, equipment and cutting-edge multi-sensory projectors fitted in, so as to provide sensory integration (SI) training for different ages and needs. It also provides rental service of SI training venue for children and adults to the qualified Occupational Therapists.

In addition, the Centre comprises video classrooms for remote learning. Through Internet Protocol cameras, therapist could conduct clinical research with overseas experts in order to demonstrate quality training and guidance professionally.

The Association has been at the forefront of promoting the development of SI therapy in Hong Kong since 2000. We had gained our recognition in promoting the development of SI therapy by setting up SI training room in each preschool service centres for children with various special needs.

Remark: At this moment, the Centre is operated on a trial basis and for internal use only.

The centre is in the experimental stage at this moment and is for internal use only. 

Sensory Integration Training and Professional Development Centre
Address: Unit 602A, 6/F, Cheung Sha Wan Plaza Tower 1, Lai Chi Kok, Kowloon
Tel: 3153 2790

the Association opened Hong Kong’s first Sensory Integration (SI) Training Centre for children and adults photo 1

the Association opened Hong Kong’s first Sensory Integration (SI) Training Centre for children and adults photo 2

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