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The 16th PEERS® Social Skill Training Programme for teenagers with ASD

Teenagers with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) often encounter difficulties in making new friends and maintaining relationships. Indeed, appropriate trainings can help improving their social skills. . "PEERS®Social Skills Training Programme for teenagers with ASD” is a course organised by the Association aiming to help teenagers with ASD.

Few years ago, "PEERS® Programme, a social skill training programme for the teenagers with ASD developed at the University of California, Los Angeles, was introduced to the Association. The programme adapted to suit local contexts and had served over 100 families in 15 courses in the past 5 years. Based on the results of the past group, it is confirmed that the curriculum has a positive impact on improving social skills of the teenagers with ASD in Hong Kong.

"PEERS® Social Skill Training Programme for teenagers with ASD” emphasizes on the participation of both teenagers and parents. In 14-weeks group training, teenagers will be taught on different social communication skills while parents will learn how to help their children making new friends and maintaining relationships.

For registration details and course effectiveness, please refer to the followings:

Download The 16th PEERS® Social Skill Training Programme for teenagers with ASD

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