SAHK 香港耀能協會

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The Association and CUHK conducted a study together to investigate what challenges college students with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) facing in school

Under the influence of the COVID-19 epidemic in the past few years, students’ adaptation to a new model of campus life is not easy. Especially for students with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), the challenges are even greater. It is more difficult for them to adapt than ordinary students. Their emotional reactions will be stronger and deeply affect their learning. The Association and Professor Gary Lam Yu-hin from The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK)’s Department of Educational Psychology conducted a study to investigate what challenges the students with ASD face in areas ranging from academic learning to university life. Ms YU, one of the students interviewed in this study, was invited to attend the press conference to share her experience.

30 students with ASD who participated in this study and their families and friends reported that the negative labels placed on ASD people led to social exclusion and bullying. Some of the students were afraid of asking for help and support for them is also insufficient. Dr. Joanne Wong Chi-yan, the Association's Senior Manager (Clinical Service) said there are many plans in the society to support students with ASD. But lack of an intermediary role to coordinate the resources has led to not all students with ASD in need receiving relevant support. For relevant media coverages, please visit the following website: (Chinese only)

明報: 自閉症大專生不諳弦外音 研究倡院校增社交培訓

信報: 自閉症常被負面標籤 中大倡建跨院校支援

星島: 中大研究:倡跨校支援自閉症大專生 自閉症大專生易受不公待遇 團隊指申報欠透明 促建跨校支援框架

HK01: 自閉症大專生盼幫助更多同路人 用兩年時間由食物營養轉讀社工系

am730: SEN學生常被標籤化 中大生克服困難冀做社工:我們不奇怪

TOPick: 【共融校園】中大研究指自閉症大專生易被負面定型 建議設跨校支援平台

晴報: 自閉症|自閉症大專生校園社交生活遇困難 促建立跨院校支援框架

大公報: 中大研究倡支援自閉症大專生

成報: 中大研究發現自閉症大專生常遭負面標籤

The Association supported CUHK to conduct a study investigating the experiences and needs of college students with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and the study was funded by the Equal Opportunities Commission.

The Association supported CUHK to conduct a study investigating the experiences and needs of college students with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and the study was funded by the Equal Opportunities Commission.

Dr. Joanne Wong Chi-yan, the Association’s Senior Manager (Clinical Service) (second left), said lack of an intermediary role to coordinate the resources has led to not all students with ASD in need receiving relevant support.

Dr. Joanne Wong Chi-yan, the Association’s Senior Manager (Clinical Service) (second left), said lack of an intermediary role to coordinate the resources has led to not all students with ASD in need receiving relevant support.

Professor Gary Lam Yu-hin, Assistant Professor, Department of Educational Psychology, CUHK was responsible for this study.

Professor Gary Lam Yu-hin, Assistant Professor, Department of Educational Psychology, CUHK was responsible for this study.

Ms Yu, who participated in this study shared her experience in the press conference.

Ms Yu, who participated in this study shared her experience in the press conference.

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