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The Association’s Ecological Cognitive Rehabilitation Pilot Scheme won the award of 卓越社會服務獎 (Chinese only) from 2021 Best Practice Awards in Social Welfare.

With the support from funding of the Social Welfare Development Fund in these years, the Association’s Ecological Cognitive Rehabilitation Pilot Scheme (the Scheme) mainly provides contextualised training for stroke and brain injury rehabilitation patients with cognitive impairment.

The Association is honored to be recognised by the industry and won the卓越社會服務獎 (Chinese only).

A number of people, who are recovered from stroke and brain injury, suffer from reduction of the capability of concentration, memorisation and execution, affecting their daily life. The traditional cognitive training mainly focuses on the virtual game training but focuses less on improving daily life. The Ecological Cognitive Rehabilitation training tailored made for the patients’ daily life and their roles’needs. With the medium of patients' daily life and daily activities, we designed the appropriate cognitive assessment and training for them in order to apply its effectiveness in their daily life.

The Association published the book "Ecological Cognitive Rehabilitation Training Manual" and released 3 articles related to the training in some local and international professional conferences. In the future, the Association will continue to organise professional trainings to promote more rehabilitation information to the industry and patients.

Ecological Cognitive Rehabilitation Training Manual

Ecological Cognitive Rehabilitation Training Manual

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